COX, Perry Edwin, Beeville Bee, 2 Dec 1910: Death's Harvest There were three sad funerals during the past week in Beeville. Elton CARNEY, a young man, reared and well known here, died Saturday in San Antonio where he had been in the railroad services for the past year. His remains arrived Monday morning and the internment took place at 11 o'clock a. m. under the direction of the Woodmen of the World. His death was unexpected and came within a few hours of an acute attack of stomach trouble. It was a quite shock to his mother and sisters who were stunned by the sad news, having heard from him only a few days before when he was in the best of health Lizzie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. SCHVAB, aged five years, eleven months, died on Friday evening after an illness of a week or more from what the physician who was called to attend her in her last hours pronounced diphtheria. The little one had reached the age when by her childhood prattle and developing intelligence, she had become the pride and joy of the household. Perry Edwin the baby son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. COX, died on Tuesday morning from throat trouble after an illness of three days. The little fellow was awarded only a brief span of life, one year, three months, and seven days.