ELLIS, John Cook, Beeville Bee, Friday, 29 Apr 1909: Death of Cook Ellis. Rarely has the death of one so young evoked so much sympathy and so many expressions of regret and condolence as over that of John Cook ELLIS, the oldest son of his father Mr. Frank Marion Ellis, and his mother, Mary Ann COOK Ellis, which occurred last Saturday morning, the 17th of April, 1909. But a youth and not yet on the threshold of manhood, he had early in life developed those traits of character which gave promise of a life of usefulness and honor. It might truly be said he was of that material of which good men are made. In the home, among his companions he was ever considerate of others and evinced of a high standard of appreciation of the equalities that bespoke for him, had he lived a place of distinction above its ordinary among his fellows. In the short space of time which was allotted to him he had met and solved the problem of a future existence that had baffled the minds of older heads. Long before he was stricken with an unexpected and incurable malady, he had of his own volition become a member of the Methodist Church and he met death with the redemption that is the heritage of those whose future is assured, receiving stoicism of a philosopher when communicated to him. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon in the Glenwood Cemetery, being attended by many of his old school mates and friends of the young parents, whose sympathy for them on all sides. A touching tribute to the memory of the young master by his pastor, Rev. I. T. Morris, moved all to a deep appreciation of the Rose that the future manhood of the community had sustained.