ELLIS, John Vickers, Beeville Picayune, 15 Feb 1917 Remains of J. V. ELLIS Brought Here Saturday Were Laid To Rest in Glenwood Cemetery Beside Those of His Wife and Children - Large Funeral The body of J. V. ELLIS, who died at Midland following a short illness, reached Beeville at an early hour Saturday morning. They were taken to the home of Mrs. J. W. TIMON, at 508 East Corpus Christi St., the funeral being held at 3 PM, the same day. Rev. A. H. BARBER, a long time neighbor of the deceased. paid a splendid tribute to him at the grave, reviewing his long and useful career and recounting the hardships through which he was called to pass in the pioneer days of Southwest Texas. Rev Barber showed much feeling as he told of the warm friendship that had existed between himself and the deceased, and how splendid a husband and father he had been. Beeville Lodge A. F. & A. M. consigned the body to the grave with all Masonic Honor, with C. A. Heldenfels acting as Worshipful Master. The attendance of Masons was the largest seen at a funeral here in some time. Also, the attendance from a distance was large, the funeral being one of the largest held here recently. Waymon Denzil and Cyrus C. ELLIS, only living children of the deceased, with their families and A. C. Waymon accompanied the body from Midland. Other relatives from various parts were also present, including three grandchildren of a deceased son, whom Mr. ELLIS some time prior to his death, placed in school at San Marcos. Five children and the good wife of the deceased preceded him in death. There are six grandchildren surviving. On another page the Picayune is publishing the life history of this pioneer. In, it he mentions his land holdings as 4500 acres. However, this refers only to the cultivated lands. His total land possessions were 22,000 acres. His life history is very interesting and we feel sure our readers will gladly avail themselves of opportunity to learn, not only Mr. ELLIS life history, but through the recital of it, much of early history of this section.