McREA, Dan, Beeville Bee, Friday, 11 Sep 1903: News was reached here by telephone Saturday evening near the old town of St. Mary's in which Dan McREA was killed by Frank JIROU. After the shooting the latter came to Refugio and surrendered. On Monday he had an examination trial and released on bond. McRea was reared in the lower part of the county where his aged father now lives and was about 30 years of age. He leaves a wife and several children. Jirou is also known here, having been employed on the HELDENFEL's ranch several years ago. He is now employed on the Police Force in Beaumont and was visiting his old home on a vacation when he became involved in a quarrel with McRea, and finally led to the latter's death. The killing was about a mile from the old town of St Mary's and there were no witnesses.