PUGH, Frank Floyd, Beeville Bee or Picayune, Friday, 18 Oct 1912: Frank Pugh Is Dead Frank Floyd Pugh, son of Mrs. Pat Pugh died in San Antonio at Santa Rosa Hospital last Thursday night. The deceased was thirty two years of age and had been ill only a week. The cause of death is attributed to diphtheria. He was taken to San Antonio several days before his death, accompanied by his mother, a brother and two sisters. All that medicine, skill and loving hands of those so dear to him failed to stay the Grim Reaper. His remains were brought to Beeville Friday evening and taken to his home where they reposed until Sunday morning when they were laid to rest in the family burial plot at Gussettville. A brother and the father of the deceased preceded him to the Great Beyond. The funeral was attended by a large number of Beevillians. Frank Pugh was well known in Beeville, his family being pioneers of Live Oak County. He was characterized by a friendly disposition and those sterling qualities that make a man. That he should die so young and so unexpected was indeed a shock to his many Beeville admirers. He is survived by his mother, two sisters and two brothers.