SCOTT, Mrs. Martha, Beeville Weekly Picayune, Saturday, 16 Mar 1895: MRS. MARTHA SCOTT It is with much sorrow the many friends of this lady learn of her sad death, which occurred yesterday at 11 a.m., in Dallas, Tex. Mrs. Scott, wife of Mr. Jas. F. Scott of this county, and eldest daughter of Captain A. C. Jones of Beeville, was a native of Goliad and at the time of her death was in the 39th year of her age. She was well known in Corpus Christi, Beeville, Goliad, Alice and other towns in this section, where she leaves many friends and acquaintances. Mrs. Scott had been in bad health for some time, going to Dallas about six weeks ago in hopes of finding relief. She leaves, besides her husband, a daughter, Clara, aged 16, and a son, Dick, aged 14, and other relatives to mourn her loss. The remains will be brought to Goliad today by rail, where the funeral will take place, Mrs. Scott's mother and grand parents having been buried in Goliad. Mrs. Sidbury, who received the news of her daughter-in-law's death yesterday by wire, was anxious to leave for Goliad on yesterday afternoon's train, but her physician would not permit it, as she had only lately recovered from a serious spell of sickness herself. To the afflicted family The Caller and many friends extend heartfelt sympathy. --Corpus Christi Caller.