SIVELY, Andrew, Beeville Bee or Picayune, Thursday, 3 Oct 1918: Andrew Sivley Dies of Wounds in France. First Bee Countian Makes The Extreme Sacrifice In World War Battlefield. A message was received here yesterday addressed to A. A. Sivley, it said; "Regret to announce that your son, Corporal Andrew Sively, died August 25, 1918 of wounds received in action...." And thus is recorded the first death of a Bee County soldier on the blood stained fields of France, where the world war is waging and the freedom of all mankind is being won. Corporal Andrew Rivley was a member of Co. E. 360th Infantry, 82nd Division. He was a draftee, but had first attempted to enlist in the Navy, being rejected. The draft however selected him for the army and he went away gladly to die if need be so that freedom might not pass from the free of the earth. Three other Bee County soldiers have made the extreme sacrifice, but their deaths occurred in camps, "over here". Robert D. Goza of Normanna was the first. He died at Camp Travis. John Boyce Miles of Beeville was the second, his death occurring at Camp Bowie, while only last week the third death was recorded when Reagan Dugat died at Fort Dix, New Jersey, his funeral occurring only last Tuesday of this week. The relatives and friends of those have been able to attend the funeral of their loved ones but not until the war is over and the remains of all the American dead are brought back will friends of this young man be privileged to do him the honor just due the first Bee County man to fall "over there."