VonROEDER, Lt. Ludovic, Beeville Picayune, Friday, 1 Mar 1912, Pettus: Lieutenant Ludovic Von Roeder, of the 4th TX Cavalry, Green's Brigade, died at the home of his son, Otto, near Green, Karnes County, Texas, on February 20, 1912. Deceased was born near Liberty, Washington County, April 13, 1836, being at the time of his death, seventy five years, ten months and seven days old. His father was a large slave owner in the Mission Valley and from his parents he inherited wealth. He married Miss GREEN, the daughter of a wealthy planter. They have four sons living, two in California and two in Texas and one daughter, Mrs. Chambers. He was a daring soldier, the word "fear" was never known to him. No matter how tired or how badly he may have felt, never was an order delayed by him but that he executed it with the greatest good and without a murmer. As a soldier, so lived he as a man. His greatest misgivings were that he was never able to say "no!" He was a kind and loving father, an honored and respected friend and a true citizen. He was interred in the Pettus Cemetery at 4 o'clock, Wednesday evening, Reverend Ingram, a Baptist Preacher and of whose church he was a faithful member, preached a most able sermon. Sincere sympathy is extended the bereaved relatives.