Athens Weekly Review
September 27, 1928
Sept. 24, 1908

Dr. Johnson took his daugher, Miss Margaret to a sanitarium in Dallas last week to be operated upon
for appendicitis. The operation was successfully preformed and she is recovering very rapidly and
will be able to return home in a week.

Tom Joe Bass is able to be on the streets now. His leg has completely healed from the amputation.

Mrs. Siglr Sr., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Carlton at Poynor today.

Jack Nash of Kaufman, was in the city Monday and Tuesday on business.

Miss Hayden Johnson left Monday to resume her studies in Baylor University.

Mrs. Margaret Parson is visiting her daugher, Mrs. J. T. LaRue.

Mrs. H. B. Montserratt of Texarkana, came in Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Titsworth.

The back page of this issue of the Review was taken by Malakoff business concerns
for a publilcation of their invitation to the public to make Malakoff their trading center.
Concerns participating in the page advertisement were: Thomspon Bros., general
merchandise; Mrs. John Mitchman, millinery; Smith & Smith, general merchandise;
G. W. Urrey, hardware and furniture; Farmers & Merchants Bank; H. L. Flagg, drugs and
drug sundries. A. S. Tanner, general merchandise; Gentry Bros., staple and fancy
groceries; S. B. & B. Walker, whiskey, wines and cigars.

The Review acknowledges the second number of the Mabank Banner, the new paper
at Mabank. It is an accreditable eight page, five column sheet and is published by
W. D. Justice.

Henry Stirman is now learning the jewelers trade with Ben Miller. Henry is a bright boy
and ought to succeed.

Officers of Koon Kreek Klub have received and offer from oil prospectors for the
mineral rights on the property of the club in Henderson county. The offer was to pay
the club $7,500.00 for the mineral or oil obtained from the land.

Mrs. Robert J. Miller of Jacksonville is visiting her father, W. W. Jarrell and family.

Royall Watkins went to Kemp this week and purchased a fine saddle animal.

Dempsey Henry a few weeks ago thought to try the west again. He has returned.

Twenty-one bales of cotton brought in from Anderson county yesterday sold for
8.90 this morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Davis have moved to their new home south of town.

Mrs. Ralph Dunn and little daughter, Frances Elizabeth, are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Parker.

Submitted by Bunny Freeman

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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