Mrs. Walter Harford


Athens Weekly Review
November 1 1962

Friday Rites Planned for Mrs. Harford

Mrs. Walter Harford of Colton, California, passed away Wednesday morning in a hospital in that city, according to a message received in Athens
by her aunt, Mrs. Raymond Robbins.

Mrs. Harford, the former Miss Grace Shelby Robbins, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Robbins, former residents of Athens.
Mrs. Harford had been in ill health for sometime.

Funeral services will be held Friday morning in Colton with the Knopaynder Funeral Home in charge.

Survivors include her husband; a son and daughter of Portland, Oregon; two sisters, Mrs. Jack Jernigan of Colton and Mrs. Douglas Smythe of
Phoenix, Arizona; one uncle, Forrest Robbins and her aunt, Mrs. Raymond Robbins of Athens.

Obituaries of Henderson County TX

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