Marion County Cemeteries






Campbell, Alex Dec. 22, 1897 Nov. 4, 1973
Campbell, Johnnie Feb. 27, 1900 Oct. 20, 1978
Clark, Ezekiel Aug. 18, 1880 Aug. 19, 1880
Clark, Francis Reah Oct. 10, 1867 Feb. 15, 1886
Clark, Laura Estelle Jul. 21, 1868 Feb. 15, 1886
Clark, Maddie Mar. 11, 1886 Sep. 1, 1888
Clark, Mary Magdalene Dec. 7, 1875 Feb. 6, 1886
Clemons, John David Oct. 8, 1902 Feb. 18, 1990
Clemons, Narciss Hester Oct. 10, 1903 Dec. 31, 1964
Clinton, Andrew, Jr Feb. 12, 1924 Jul. 9, 1969
Clinton, Fred 1918 1986
Clinton, Margaret Mar. 15, 1929 Nov. 8, 1989
Clinton, Reginald, Jr Mar. 15, 1951 Oct. 26, 1991
Clinton, Reginald Mar. 12, 1928 unknown
Cole, Adam Jan. 24, 1900 Mar. 29, 1977
Cole, Adam, Jr Mar. 30, 1958 Mar. 7, 1995
Cole, Lonnie unknown Jul. 14, 2001
Cole, Lonnie Mar. 3, 1953 Jul. 14, 2001
Cole, Princetta Jan. 4, 1913 Oct. 22, 1998
Cole, Roy L. 1923 2003
Coleman, Edgar Doris Jul. 18, 1927 Jul. 28, 1973
Coleman, Essie Oct. 10, 1909 Jan. 25, 1972
Coleman, Ida Jane unknown unknown
Collins, Jennie V. Jul. 15, 1921 Nov. 7, 2001
Collins, Lola D. Jul. 28, 1927 Dec. 15, 1997
Combs, Albert Apr. 3, 1923 Jul. 28, 1949
Cook, Alton 1918 1977
Courtney, Anna Nov. 20, 1911 Jan. 28, 1998
Courtney, John 1916 2003
Coverson, Roscoe Jun. 18, 1888 Apr. 22, 1952
Daniels, Ezell 1928 1981
Daniels, Irene C. 1905 1979
Daniels, Willie Fred 1899 1981
Davis, Arthur Dec. 23, 1922 Jul. 24, 2002
Dawson, Iva unknown Sep. 28, 1922
Deadman, Jim unknown Jan. 2, 1933
Deadmon, Connie Feb. 4, 1899 Feb. 29, 1963
Deadmon, Oscar Nov. 11, 1896 Jan. 17, 1971
Dewberry, Danny E., Jr Mar. 4, 1974 Nov. 21, 1991
Dodd, Richard L. 1940 1982
Douglas, Mary Ann Oct. 11, 1951 Oct. 28, 1981
Dunn, Charlie, Sr Feb. 8, 1914 Nov. 2, 1993
Durden, Helen Hudson Dec. 10, 1929 Feb. 7, 1963
Echeverria, Lula Mae Apr. 21, 1923 Sep. 5, 1997
Etheridge, Drewey 1906 1971
Etheridge, Eunice Sep. 21, 1904 Jun. 16, 1999
Etheridge, Granvil 1939 1965
Evers, Dorothy Lois Oct. 29, 1962 Dec. 27, 1988
Faggett, Arthur Dean Mar. 28, 1954 Mar. 14, 1990
Felder, Dominique Lamar, Jr Sep. 27, 1996 Jan. 20, 1997
Fite, Sanford Jan. 26, 1892 Jul. 20, 1963
Franklin, Johnnie V. 1916 1942
Garrett, Dyrl Fitzgerald Jan. 22, 1963 Dec. 6, 1963
Gipson, Sarah unknown Oct. 15, 1900
Gipson, Thelmon Dec. 18, 1914 Jun. 27, 1918
Gray, Melba Mar. 15, 1916 Apr. 17, 1996



For more information, and your convenience, names are linked to their memorial pages on Find A Grave

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