Marion County Cemeteries







Haley, Mamie Feb. 25, 1903 Aug. 18, 1983
Haley, Otis Aug. 3, 1898 Oct. 4, 1982
Hamilton, Hannah Aug. 25, 1917 Mar. 22, 1975
Harper, Anna unknown Jun. 6, 1930
Harper, Eugie Apr., 1880 May 14, 1917
Harper, George Jun. 18, 1875 Jan. 26, 1922
Harper, Pheobe A. Dec. 10, 1855 Nov. 27, 1915
Harris, Jennie 1840 Jul. 22, 1911
Harris, Mary 1854 1916
Hawkins, Orel Dec. 4, 1923 Nov. 19, 1957
Hayes, Carl L. Jan. 18, 1915 Jan. 7, 1981
Headspeth, Beatrice S. Jul. 4, 1903 Jun. 13, 1963
Hill, Julia Mar. 23, 1861 Sep. 16, 1958
Hill, Virginia Apr. 10, 1919 May 18, 1982
Hollis, Larrah Mar. 9, 1885 Jan. 6, 1919
Horn, Elmo Oct. 31, 1893 Oct. 19, 1988
Horton, Cashie O. Nov. 19, 1900 Aug. 5, 1962
Horton, Mandell, Sr Dec. 26, 1899 Jan. 7, 1995
Jackson, Eric L. Oct. 19, 1973 Sep. 15, 1991
Jackson, Zilphia Lang May 8, 1882 Aug. 4, 1989
James, Abner Oct. 6, 1912 Mar. 12, 1990
James, Beauford 1926 1977
James, Elizabeth Feb. 22, 1896 Sep. 8, 1983
James, Grover Sep. 3, 1917 Jul. 1, 2001
James, Jesse May 8, 1882 Mar. 10, 1948
James, Mary Aug. 9, 1882 May 16, 1977
James, Nathaniel Jun. 9, 1888 Feb. 21, 1965
Johnson, Alex May 4, 1896 Nov. 21, 1976
Johnson, Billy Kenneth Mar. 14, 1954 Sep. 11, 1998
Johnson, Ethel Lee Mar. 1, 1905 Aug. 15, 1948
Johnson, Floyd" "Dick" Mar. 10, 1884 Jan. 23, 1979
Johnson, Irene N. 1912 1967
Johnson, Raymond 1907 1992
Johnson, Reatha Mae May 22, 1957 Sep. 23, 1986
Johnson, Sarah Jan. 14, 1881 Apr. 6, 1967
Jones, Alphonso Jan. 12, 1926 1947
Jones, Carrie Oct. 15, 1898 Jun. 30, 1978
Jones, Charlie Jun. 24, 1894 Sep. 10, 1982
Jones, Kizzie 1888 1968
Justice, Alfred Oct. 12, 1906 Jul. 10, 1971
Justice, Artis 1922 1998
Justice, Benjamin unknown unknown
Justice, Dave 1926 2000
Justice, Rev Fred 1887 1951
Justice, Joe Jun. 19, 1951 Jan. 8, 2014
Justice, Leaner May 20, 1868 Oct. 30, 1918
Justice, Margarett 1871 Jul. 27, 1891
Justice, Necie unknown Feb. 11, 1899
Justice, William 1947 2001
Justice, Willie T. 1907 1992
Key, Thelma Johnson Jan. 4, 1928 Feb. 19, 1978
King, Betty Bush Jul. 26, 1931 Jan. 17, 1985
King, Derrick B. Sep. 14, 1978 Jul. 19, 1996
King, Jimmie Jul. 10, 1940 Sep. 14, 1970
King, Lillie Valrie Oct. 24, 1923 Apr. 15, 1994
King, Willie, Jr May 20, 1918 Jun. 12, 1992
Kitiae, Thomas May 15, 1906 Dec. 26, 1956
Lampkins, Evie unknown Aug. 4, 1920
Lampkins, Margarett 1870 Aug. 6, 1919
Landers, Ada L. Jun. 18, 1929 Oct. 28, 1970
Lane, Thomas unknown Dec. 15, 1957
Lang, Anna 1914 1921
Lang, John 1905 1923
Lang, Virginia 1885 1954
Lang, Webster 1908 1985
Latson, Namon B., Sr Sep. 17, 1912 Aug. 10, 1977
Lee, Robert R. 1958 1975
Lewis, Larry Wayne T. C. Jul. 22, 1961 Feb. 23, 1983
Lewis, Vannie M. unknown 1947
Long, Lucy M. Oct. 9, 1882 Jul. 10, 1959
Lucas, Brenda Ray Feb. 12, 1980 Feb. 26, 1980
Lucas, Jerome Ray Feb. 12, 1980 Feb. 13, 1980


For more information, and your convenience, names are linked to their memorial pages on Find A Grave

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